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[Video] Insane Buon Ma Thuot Floods Sweep Away Motorbikes

In Vietnam's latest installment of flood-related news, yet another deluge has struck the country, this time in the Central Highlands city of Buon Ma Thuot.

While Saigon, Hanoi, north-central Vietnam and areas near the Chinese border have all reported their fair share of unwanted water, flooding in the Central Highlands poses a particular challenge thanks to its mountainous terrain.

A video posted to Facebook by popular Vietnamese blogger Robbey Le captures the extent of this problem. During a storm which took place at the start of this month, rain water gushes down a sloping street, turning the road into a rushing rapids. Motorbikes are swept away by the waist-deep floodwaters, whose current knocks drivers off their vehicles and sends entire motorbikes floating downstream.

Thankfully, bystanders were quick to help their fellow citizens, rushing to the aid of stranded or struggling motorists. At one point, it takes as many as five people to prevent a motorbike from being washed downstream, while another vehicle disappears completely beneath the waves as its driver leaps from the bike carrying a young child.

Drivers eventually get the picture and start walking their bikes across the intersection where the current is strongest, but the fact that the video carries on for nearly four minutes suggests this problem was not short-lived.

In a country of 90 million, we may not be able to agree on everything, but this is perhaps the one point on which we all see eye-to-eye: it's time for rainy season to be over.


Cận cảnh mưa bão tại Buôn Ma Thuột chiều qua. Thấy thương cho người dân quá. :(Video: Ảnh Màu KTS Lê Duẩn

Posted by Robbey on Friday, October 2, 2015

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