in Culture

[Photos] Saigon's Convenience Craze: How Corporate Chains Are Creating New Space for Civic Life

In little more than a few years, convenience store chains have taken the city by storm. You can now find a Circle K, Vin Mart, Family Mart, B’s Mart or Mini-Stop on almost every street in the city pac...

in Culture

Doing Nothing Is Now a Sport in South Korea

Are you an expert at doing nothing? If so, time to make a beeline straight to South Korea,where looking off into space has become a sport.

in Culture

Sichuan Cuisine Facing an Identity Crisis

Culinary innovation can take many shapes and forms. But sometimes, this tinkering can have the unintended consequence of straying too far from the original. Such is the dilemma that faces China’s Sich...

in Culture

[Video] Highlighting Vietnam's Forgotten Moroccan Soldiers

Vietnam and Morocco have much more in common than you might initially think.

in Culture

[Photos] Japan’s Last Samurai

The adoption of the Meiji Restoration in 1868 signaled the beginning of the end for Japan’s samurai’s who enjoyed centuries of prominence in the country's feudal ranks.

in Culture

[Photos] Vietnam Steps up Its Meme Game Ahead of Obama Visit

Vietnamese netizens are flexing their meme skills ahead of United States president Barack Obama's visit to the country.

in Culture

[Video] Adults Cheer on Kids' Beer-Drinking Contest, Fail at Adulting

As recent evidence suggests, not all adults excel at adulting. In fact, more often than not, we're all making mistakes in one way or another. It's just that we usually try not to involve young, i...

in Culture

[Photos] Stay Cool in Saigon's Ice Palace

It's sweater weather in District 7's Him Lam New Urban Area.

in Culture

[Photos] Life in a Saigon Cemetery

When her youngest son was six months old, Kieu Thi Anh Lien's husband disappeared. They were never officially married but the couple had lived together for years, until one day the father of Lien's th...

in Culture

The Renovation Generation: Meet Vietnam's Post-Đổi Mới Movers and Shakers

Thirty years after the inception of Đổi Mới, Vietnam is night and day compared to its former self. Following the tragedy of war, this 1986 economic reform wholly transformed the country into what it i...

in Culture

[Video] Watch a Vietnamese Worker Singlehandedly Put This Excavator on the Back of a Truck

Vietnam does things a little differently than the rest of the world.

in Culture

[Photos] VietJet Co-Pilots Get Married, Take Tarmac Wedding Photos

VietJet pilots Dang Tien Cuong and Nguyen Phuong Anh are probably the only couple to have snapped their wedding photos on the tarmac at Tan Son Nhat International Airport.

in Culture

[Video] Hanoian Vendors Get Fit With Market Aerobics

No one loves an office job. Sure, there are perks – the air-conditioning, the peaceful environment, the free corporate stuff – but at one point or another, every pencil-pusher has wished for a more ac...

in Culture

New Rules Prohibit Swearing, Fighting or Loud Noise in Local Apartments: Ministry

If you feel the need to tell off your neighbor, let loose by turning your speakers up to 11 or just want to start an innocent fight club in your apartment, you better get to work, as none of these wil...

in Culture

The Twilight of Saigon’s Cyclo Drivers

Among Bui Vien's assortment of xe ôm drivers and street food vendors, Bible-toting religious enthusiasts and other colorful personalities, 66-year-old Mr. Nghia stands out for his kind eyes and walrus...

in Culture

[Photos] Exploring Saigon’s Sun-Deprived Hẻms

Saigon is full of interesting, undiscovered places. While many people have explored the alleys in their own neighborhoods, few are willing to brave the narrow, crumbling side roads that look a little ...

in Culture

Vietnamese Festival Criticized for Penis Plagiarism

This year, residents of Lang Son province celebrated their annual Na Nhem Festival with all the standard accoutrements of a countryside celebration: musical activities, games and a giant pink penis ma...

in Culture

[Video] 100 Years of Vietnamese Fashion in 1 Minute

If you've ever spent any time wasting your life away on YouTube, you may have come across the “100 Years of Beauty” series, which documents the fashion and beauty trends of a particular culture t...

in Culture

[Photos] Inside Hue’s 'City of Ghosts'

During Hue's imperial days, emperors of the Nguyen dynasty spent an inordinate amount of time and energy building their tombs. Emperor Khai Dinh, for instance, led Vietnam for only nine years, but his...

in Culture

[Photos] Competition for Lucky Balls in Phu Tho Turns Into Mayhem

Every spring in northern Phu Tho Province, locals celebrate Phet Hien Quan, a unique traditional festival that is held on the 13th day of the Lunar New Year.